The New England Midrange Users Group








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From Dick Ferrara

To all NEMUG members and friends,

Here we are, starting the 2012/2013 NEMUG season.  2013…seems as if the future is upon us.  With the ever evolving aspects of the world we occupy, we would like NEMUG to stand as a constant, an entity unto itself that will support the needs of its membership and fulfill the doctrine of its charter.  This is challenging in the varied, complex environments that are now ours. 

 At the planning meeting this summer we discussed many areas of member interest (and frustration!) and came away with topics for the year that we collectively think will interest and support us.  I hope our members will embrace the new season and attend the monthly presentations.  As always any input, comments, ideas, criticisms, good or bad are welcome.  I look forward to a season of robust bantering, and discussion at the meetings.


Let’s interact, get to know our fellow members, and pull from each other’s strengths.  What one doesn’t have in their repertoire, someone else usually does.  


Here’s to a good productive year!  May The Force be with us.   



Copyright 2011-2012 New England Midrange Users Group

Site created and maintained by Rick Marcotte  -- Last updated January 22, 2021 -- Best Viewed at 800x600

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